Dental Crowns

Sometimes teeth are damaged because of cavities, heavy bite forces, or trauma. If a root canal is needed to salvage a compromised nerve, the tooth may be especially fragile. Dental crowns, or caps, allow these teeth to be rebuilt and covered with materials that mimic nature. Not only are most "capped" teeth indistinguishable from natural teeth, but they're also extremely secure and comfortable.

A crown is a covering that sits over the top of the tooth creating a tooth surface to protect, cover, seal and strengthen your tooth. Crowns are used in many different scenarios as they are effective and often allow us to save a tooth rather than turning to implants.

Situations where a crown may be the solution include:

  • Larger fillings that have broken down or have formed decay around them may need a crown to save the tooth.
  • A cracked tooth may need a crown to hold it together. Be careful not to wait too long as an untreated cracked tooth can become sensitive or eventually break.
  • Teeth that are very sensitive, either from a lot of "wear", or from receded gums, sometimes require crowns to seal and protect the teeth from hot and cold sensitivity.
  • A tooth that has broken may be too weak to hold a filling. A crown will hold the tooth together and prevent it from breaking again. If the fracture is too deep, Root Canal Therapy may be required before the tooth is crowned.
  • A tooth that has undergone Root Canal Therapy will need a crown to properly seal and protect the tooth.

A crown may be the solution to saving that tooth; our Toronto dentist will evaluate your needs depending on your oral health and the condition of your teeth. Crowns can be crafted to repair a single tooth, multiple teeth (including the entire mouth), or in conjunction with dental implants to fill a space. In fact, when missing teeth enter the equation, special consideration might be given to placing a dental bridge or implants.

Once your case is planned, it will take about two appointments before you leave with a fully restored tooth. At the first visit, the teeth are gently prepared. Next, our Yorkville dentist sends your case to a specialized lab to create a dental masterpiece. A temporary crown allows you to function normally until the permanent crown arrives for placement. This typically takes 2-3 weeks.

After hours of custom craftwork in the lab, you'll return for a second appointment. The dentist will try-in and evaluate the appearance and fit of the crown before bonding it into place. Minor adjustments to your bite and a final polish leave you with one of the finest restorations in dentistry.

To learn more about how dental crowns can help restore your smile, contact our Toronto dental office today!